Directors election - call for nominations

In accordance with the Company Constitution, we are calling for nominations for two Shareholder elected directors for Ballance Agri-Nutrients. 

Dacey Balle (Ward N, the North Island) and Cameron Henderson (Ward S, the South Island) retire by rotation this year.

This call for nominations is for one position in Ward N, the North Island, and one position in Ward S, the South Island.

Dacey Balle and Cameron Henderson have advised their intention to re-stand for election.

Nomination Form
Further nominations for Ward N and Ward S are now invited.

To obtain a nomination form, please contact the Shares Registrar on our free phone number 0800 267 266 or by email to Your completed nomination form will need to be received by 5pm Tuesday, 13 August 2024.

To stand as a candidate for a Ward, you must ordinarily reside in the Ward, or represent a company or a partnership whose principal farming activity occurs in the Ward. You must hold more than 100 Ballance shares or represent a company or partnership with more than 100 Ballance shares and be aged under 68 at the date of the election, Wednesday, 25 September 2024.

Voting Papers 
If there is more than one nominee in each Ward, then an election will be conducted. If this occurs all Shareholders will receive voting papers by Wednesday, 4 September 2024.  We want to encourage participation in our election process, and to do so, voting will be made available by postal process and by electronic voting. 

Please note that if there is an election in a Ward, all Shareholders can vote, regardless of the Ward in which they reside.